
8 61220010L2-5, Issue 3 61220010L2-5C
Table 8. Definition of Screen Abbreviations
Abbreviation and Definition
ES – Errored Seconds: A count of the number of seconds in which at least one code violation was detected on a
 digital circuit.
• IDSL Interface ....Second in which a CRC error occurs.
• Customer DDS Interface....Second in which a bipolar violation occurs.
UAS – Unavailable Seconds: A count of the number of seconds that a circuit or path is not available.
• IDSL Interface (U-Interface) ....Will accumulate upon the loss of loop synchronization or
 the occurrence of 7 errored seconds in a period of 20 seconds. UAS will stop accumulating upon the
 occurrence of 30 consecutive non-errored seconds.
• Customer DDS Interface.... Will accumulate upon the loss of sealing current (LOOP OPEN), loss of
 receive signal (LOS), loss of secondary channel framing (LOF), or when the illegal bipolar violation
 error rate is >1E-3 for at least 10 seconds. UAS will stop accumulating upon the occurrence of 10
 consecutive non-severely errored seconds.
BPV – Illegal Bipolar Violation
• Customer DDS Interface.... Two consecutive pulses of the same polarity or violation received that
 does not alternate in polarity with respect to the prior violation.
INV – Invalid Frame Relay Frame
• Any frame with a CRC error.
• Any frame containing fewer than five octets.
• Any frame containing more than 8191 octets.
• Any frame that does not contain an integral number of octets.
• Any frame containing a frame abort.
FECN – Forward Explicit Congestion Notification
• Count of frames in which the Forward Explicit Congestion Notification bit was set.
• Indicates congestion in the frame relay network but does not isolate cause or location of congestion.
BECN – Backward Explicit Congestion Notification
• Count of valid frames in which the Backward Explicit Congestion Notification bit was set.
• Indicates congestion in the frame relay network but does not isolate cause or location of congestion.
LMI – Local Management Interface
• Local Management Interface (LMI) status is a monitor of the heart beat between the frame switch and
 the CPE.
• Recognizes FRF (Annex A), ANSI T1.617 Annex D, and ITU T.933A frame relay interfaces.
• Network and Customer LMI counts should be equal if everything is ok between the frame switch
 and the CPE.
• Maintains counts of LMI status messages monitored by the U-Interface, which are sent by the frame
 relay switch.
• Maintains counts of LMI status inquiry messages monitored at the DDS Interface which are sent by
 the frame relay CPE.
%UT – Frame Relay Percent Utilization
• The average percent utilization over the DS0 channel.