61200217L1-1 T3SU 300 User Manual 6-1
Chapter 6 Diagnostics
menu allows you to initiate loopback and BERT
tests from the T3SU 300. Figure 6-1 shows the main
menu. Tests can be performed for the entire DS3 or for an
individual DTE port. To choose a port from the left column of the
menu, select the port’s corresponding number and press Enter .
The individual port menus provide loopback and BERT selections.
BERT configuration options and results are given in the right
column of the main
menu. Diagnostic selections are
described in the following sections.
You can only perform a BERT test on one port at a time. If a BERT test is
already in progress and a second BERT test is selected for another port,
the first test is discontinued.
Loopback tests may be performed simultaneously on all ports.