TECH SUPPORT 800.726.8663
RETURN FOR REPAIR 256.963.8722
Warranty: ADTRAN will replace or repair this product within the warranty period if it does not meet its published specifications or fails while in service.
Warranty information can be found online at www.adtran.com/warranty
Note: The above provisioning options are based on 7
Generation HTU-R, 1247024L1 or 1247026L1.
Option settings for previous HTU-Rs, 1246026L4 and/or 1246026L6, that are either not supported
by the HTU-R, or are hardware options and cannot be provisioned from the HTU-C menu, will
display a asterisk (*), and options that follow will be renumbered sequentially.
The BERT tester should be in Monitor mode for nonintrusive tests and Terminate mode for intrusive tests. Use the
Provisioning screen to configure the HTU-C for DSX or MUX-fed network source. Use the Test screen to configure
EQ jacks for Customer or Network direction. (The Network direction is only available when the HTU-C is MUX-
fed.) The BERT TX is only used in intrusive tests. Refer to the Total Access 3000/3010 HTU-C Installation and
Maintenance Practice (P/N 61181107L1-5) for more detailed information.
♦ Nonintrusive DSX to Customer
♦ Connect HTU-C TX MON to BERT RX
♦ Allows access to DSX signal going to Customer
♦ Nonintrusive DSX from Customer
♦ Connect HTU-C RX MON to BERT RX
♦ Allows access to DSX signal coming from the Customer
♦ Intrusive DSX to Customer
♦ Connect HTU-C TX EX to BERT TX and HTU-C RX EQ to BERT RX
♦ Allows access to signal going to Customer
♦ Nonintrusive MUX to Customer
♦ Connect HTU-C TX MON to BERT RX
♦ Allows access to signal going to Customer
♦ Intrusive MUX to Network
♦ From the Test screen (Option 5 from the HDSL Main Menu), verify Equipment Jack = Network
♦ Connect HTU-C TX to BERT TX and HTU-C RX EQ to BERYT RX
♦ Allows direct access to signal going to and from the Network
♦ Intrusive MUX to Customer
♦ Verify Equipment Jack = To Customer
♦ Allows direct access to signal going to and from the Customer
Description Settings Default
DSX-1 Line Buildout (in feet) 0-133; 133-266; 266-399; 399- 533; 533-655 0-133
Line Code AMI; B8ZS B8ZS
Framing Unframed; SF; ESF; Auto; Forced Conversion Auto
NIU Loopback Enabled; Disabled Enabled
New England 1:6 Loopback Enabled; Disabled Disabled
Loopback Timeout None; 60 Min; 120 Min None
Customer Loss Response Loopback; AIS; CDI AIS
PRM Mode None; NPRM; SPRM None
DS1 Tx Level 0; –15 dB 0 dB
Span Power Enabled; Disabled Enabled
Network Source DSX; MUX A; MUX B; Auto MUX DSX
Card Service State In Service; Out of Service-Unassigned;
Out of Service-Maintenance
Out of Service-Unassigned
DSX1/DS1 External Alarm Enabled; Disabled Disabled
Use the Status Screen to view the current condition of the HTU-C and signal.
The following are indications that a problem can exist with HTU-C or signal quality:
♦ Is LOSS (pulse attenuation) >30 dB?
♦ Are there any errors counting on the ES, SES or UAS registers?
♦ Is the signal quality fluctuating (graphical meter indicators bouncing up and down)? This would occur when real
time mode is active.
♦ If the signal quality is not fluctuating, is it unequal between the loops?
♦ Is the current signal quality indication (uppermost “X” on the meter) more than 1 dB below the maximum?
If these conditions are not present, the circuit should provide quality service. If any of these conditions exist, a cable
problem or excessive signal loss is probable, and more testing should be done. These conditions can also reflect
intermittent cable faults or excessive noise impairments. If intermittent faults or noise impairment are suspected,
select the Performance Monitoring option from the HDSL Main Menu and review the historical performance data
on the Performance Monitoring Screen.
Circuit Parameters
Under normal operations, the following conditions apply:
♦ LOSS < 30 dB
♦ Signal margin of 3 dB or higher, no fluctuation and equal on both loops
♦ All HDSL Deployment Guidelines are met
For a complete list of these specifications, refer to the Total Access 3000/3010 HTU-C Installation and
Maintenance Practice (P/N 61181107L1-5) for more information.
Refer to the Total Access 3000/3010 HTU-C Compliance Notice (P/N 61181107L1-17).
Shelf: 1 Slot: 3 Total Access System MM/DD/YY hh:mm:ss
Unacknowledged Alarms: None Unit Number: 1
Circuit ID:
Loop #1 <Network> Loop #2 Loop #1 <Customer>Loop #2
--------- HTU-C --------- Network Source -> DSX --------- HTU-R ---------
01(01) dB 00(00) dB <- LOSS CUR(MAX) -> 00(01) dB 01(01) dB
Yes Yes <- Sync -> Yes Yes
000/00000 000/00000 <- ES 15M/24H -> 000/00000 000/00000
000/00000 000/00000 <- SES 15M/24H -> 000/00000 000/00000
000/00000 000/00000 <- UAS 15M/24H -> 000/00000 000/00000
Loopbacks Inactive Loopbacks Inactive
CUR/MIN/MAX ------------------------------ CUR/MIN/MAX
ESF <- Frame -> ESF
LP1 20/20/20 B8ZS <- Code -> B8ZS LP1 20/20/20
LP2 20/20/20 0-133 <- LBO -> 0 dB LP2 20/20/20
N/A <- NIU -> YES
00000 <- BPV -> 00000
00000 <- ES -> 00000
00000 <- SES -> 00000
00000 <- UAS -> 00000
None <- Alarms -> None
Enter Command : _ "Z"- zero regs, "X"- restart MIN/MAX, "?" - Help Screen
Total Access 3000/3010