Appendix A. AT Commands and S-Registers
54 Express XR/XRT Quick Start Guide 61200.153L1-13
Command Function
A Answer. Places the Express XR/XRT in answer mode.
AT!S Displays Status Buffer.
AT!S1 Displays Link Status
AT!V Configuration Menu.
AT!Z Detect a modem connected to the Express XRT.
D Dial. Precedes the telephone access number
H Hang up. Disconnects the current call.
I0 Identify unit. Commands the unit to display model
I1 Identify software. Commands the unit to display
software version.
O On-line. Commands the unit to go back on line.
S S Register.
SS S String register.
Z Reset. Resets the AT command processor.
&W Save. Save current configuration to EEPROM.
+++ Break in. Break in AT command processor during an
active call. The break in key is defined in S2.
Carrier Detect (CD) Control Line Options
&C0 CD forced on.
&C1 CD normal.
&C2 CD off with local disconnect (LOCD).
&C3 CD off with link down.
Data Terminal Ready (DTR Control Line Options)
&D0 Ignore DTR.
&D1 DTR off forces command.
&D2 Idle when off. DTR off forces idle (On allows auto