
20 ADAM-4550 User's Manual
Command Descriptions
4.1 Set New Configuration
Description Requests to set new baud rate,
new address… for module.
AA: module address ( 2 char-
acters hexadecimal )
NN: new module address
TT: set to 0x40(H)
CC: High 4 bits represents RS-
232 baud rate code for module.
Low 4 bits represents RS-485
baud rate code for module.
Currently, RS-232 and RS-485
ports have the same baud rate.
Baud rate code are listed below:
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
RS-232 RS-485
Code Baud rate
01 300 bps
02 600 bps
03 1200 bps
04 2400 bps
05 4800 bps
06 9600 bps
07 19200 bps
08 38400 bps
09 57600 bps
0A 115200 bps