
40 MIC-3365 User's Manual
4.1 Introduction
The MIC-3365 uses chipset built-in AGP VGA display. This chapter
describes how to install the VGA drivers to the MIC-3365.
4.2 Installation of SVGA Driver
The MIC-3365 is supplied with a utility CD-ROM disc that holds the
necessary files for setting up the VGA display under the directory
\MIC-3365\VGA. The contents and path names of this directory are
listed below:
MIC3365\VGA\Win311: VGA utility for Windows 3.1
MIC3365\VGA\Win9x: VGA utility for Windows 95/98
MIC3000\VGA\Nt351: Utility for Windows NT 3.51
MIC3365\VGA\Nt40: VGA utility for Windows 4.0
Complete the following steps to install the VGA driver. Follow the
procedures in the flow chart that apply to the operating system you
are using with your MIC-3365.