
Chapter 4 Register Structure and Format 43
4.12 D/A Reference Control 
The write-only register of BASE+14 allows users to set the D/A
reference source.
Table 4-12: Registers for D/A reference control
DA0_5/10 The internal reference voltage for the D/A output
channel 0
This bit controls the internal reference voltage for the D/A output
channel 0. 0 means that the internal reference voltage is 5 V, and 1
means it is 10 V.
DA0_I/E Internal or external reference voltage for the D/A output
channel 0
This bit indicates that the reference voltage for the D/A output channel
0 is internal or external. 0 means that the reference voltage comes
from the internal source, and 1 means it comes from an external
DA1_5/10 The internal reference voltage for the D/A output
channel 1
This bit controls the internal reference voltage for the D/A output
channel 1. 0 means that the internal reference voltage is 5 V, and 1
means it is 10 V.
DA1_I/E Internal or external reference voltage for the D/A output
channel 1
This bit indicates that the reference voltage for the D/A output channel
1 is internal or external. 0 means that the reference voltage comes
from the internal source, and 1 means it comes from an external
Write D/A Reference Control
Bit # 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
BASE+14 DA1_I/E DA1_5/10 DA0_I/E DA0_5/10