6-114 ADAM-5000
Command Set
$aaSiM $aaSiM
0 in an ADAM-5068 module. Each bit represents a
channel. A value of 1 means the channel is masked,
while a value of 0 means the channel is valid.
(cr) is the terminating character, carriage return (0Dh)
Example command: $19S1M(cr)
response: !191322(cr)
The command asks the digital output module in slot 1 of
the ADAM-5000 system at address 19h to return the
masking status of all of its channels.
The first 2-character portion of the response indicates
the address of the ADAM-5000 system. The second 2-
characters portion of the response, value 13h (00010011),
indicates that digital output channels 8, 9 and 12 are
masked, while channels 10, 11, 13, 14 and 15 are valid.
The third 2-character portion of the response, value 22h
(00100010), indicates that digital output channels 1 and 5
are masked, while channels 0, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 7 are valid.
5060/5068 Digital I/O