HMI Application Story Overview
Advantech’s open HMI solutions are designed to fulfill the needs of mission-critical
automation applications. Their rugged features and powerful computing technology
deliver reliability and flexibility.
Automated Bakery Systems for the Food Industry
TPC-66SN - 5.7” QVGA CSTN LCD XScale PXA270 Touch Panel Computer
Because of the high temperatures inside bakery production areas, high operating temperatures are required
for all of the automated system hardware. An intuitive and easy-to-learn user interface also needs to be
implemented within the controlling software. Furthermore, to connect the machine to other devices within
the branch a corresponding hardware and software interface is necessary. In this way, new or updated recipes
can be remotely added to the system. Finally, a touch panel computer is implemented as the control device to
provide information on each phase of the baking process.
The TPC-66SN was highly recommended for this application. Not only does it provide reliable use in the hot
environment, it’s easy to use interface made the entire process easier for the end user. The operator starts the
process by choosing the program from the TPC-66SN, which lasts nearly twenty hours, starting at -20° C and
ending at +30° C. During the process the TPC-66SN shows each phase as graphical information.
Automatic Fluid Filling System for Road Construction Vehicles
TPC-1570H - 15” XGA TFT LCD Pentium M/Celeron M Touch Panel Computer
When designing this system, the customer wanted to have the capability for automatic and manual fueling.
Additionally, they wanted to have warning displays and alarm messages, in the event of a leaky oil container
or faulty hydraulic fluid filter. Each vehicle’s fuel list needed to be adjusted through a password protected
menu, and for each fluid, a pulse generator flow controller should be connected to the counter input of an
Ethernet based I/O controller, which was connected to a Touch Panel Computer, which required a fanless and
IP65 compliant design to withstand the harsh outdoor conditions.
As the main interface for this solution, the TPC-1570H was the perfect solution. Not only does it provide a
rugged, reliable and fanless solution, it’s easy to use interface made the complicated process much easier for
the operator, who is responsible for the correct filling of oil, hydraulic fluid and water. The filling process starts
after pressing the “start filling” key from the touchscreen menu and each individual fluid filling process can be
viewed on the touchscreen monitor.
Point of Service Terminals in Gas Stations
IPPC-6152A - 15” XGA TFT LCD Pentium 4/Celeron M Industrial Panel PC with 2 x PCI Slots
Our clients’ existing Point of Sales terminals were breaking down frequently and they were looking
to upgrade their machines to perform more reliably in the demanding environment, and be able to
operate around-the-clock, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The high temperatures, dust and chemical
density of their environment was very demanding, but nevertheless they were looking to increase
their minimum total Operating Life Cycle to at least 5 years. Furthermore, the Point of Sales terminals
needed to be equipped with rich communication, Ethernet and USB ports to fulfill multiple equipment
The IPPC-6152A was the best choice for this application. Now only can it easily link with the Transac-
tion Server, its wide operating temperature and fanless design allow it to operate all day long while
maintaining system stability. Furthermore, each IPPC-6152A is equipped with ingress protection on
the front panel, allowing it to withstand harsh environmental conditions.
HMI in Modern Oil Drilling for the Petroleum Industry
IPPC-9151G – 15” XGA TFT LCD Pentium 4 Industrial Panel PC with 2 x PCI Slots
A mudlogger in the modern oil field gathers data and collects samples during the drilling process.
This can be challenging, especially during drilling activity. Much of the equipment will require precise
calibration or alignment by the mudlogger to provide accurate readings. Over 30 data parameters
needed to be recorded and controlled while withstanding the harsh conditions of a modern oil field.
Furthermore, distributed control on the mudlogging device should be implemented by advanced
control technologies, so as to improve the control precision of all technological parameters during the
This is an extremely taxing application that requires a highly rugged, reliable and user-friendly HMI.
The IPPC-9151G is able to withstand the intense electromagnetic interference, noise, vibration, and
unstable currents present, and still provide dependable operation.
Wireless Fleet Management System with In-Vehicle Display
UNO-2053E - AMD GX2 UNO with 2 x LAN, 2 x COM and Audio
FPM-3060G - 6.4” VGA Industrial Monitor with Resistive Touchscreen and Direct-VGA Port
In order to provide an efficient management system for transportation applications, our customer was looking
to implement advanced operating software that was easy to use while being powerful and functional. They
required the ability to interact with maps onscreen, and view multiple vehicles onscreen at once. Furthermore,
they wanted to have detailed reports for monthly distance tracking, average/top speeds, suburbs visited, driv-
ing times, waiting times and more. All of these functions needed to be established in their new eCarCenter.
The fleet management system consists of an FPM-3060G Industrial Monitor attached to an UNO-2053E,
installed within the truck, and communicating with the eCarCenter in the central office. A satellite tracks
vehicle through GPS, sending this information to both the eCarCenter and the UNO-2053E, which displays all
of the information on the industrial display within the truck itself. This way, the management team will always
know the location of the truck, while the driver has access to updated road, safety and weather information
displayed through the FPM-3060G.
Intelligent Transportation Solution for Traffic Light Displays
TPC-1261H – 12.1” SVGA TFT LCD Geode LX800 Touch Panel Computer
Creating traffic flow installations that ensure safe, efficient and environmentally friendly traffic and
mobility is the day to day concern of many countries. An integrated approach is necessary to pro-
vide complete solutions and keep traffic moving: to combat traffic-jams, keep cities liveable and to
streamline the flow between cities and motorways. Having detailed information about communication
and traffic systems for urban road networks and road systems, plus the capability to connect together
different systems, guarantees a successful integrated approach at all levels. In this solution, the TPC-
1261H provides an intelligent control panel allowing users to easily monitor and maintain the traffic
information system without complications.
The robust and fanless TPC-1261H is an excellent solution for this application. The Windows OS ensures
our customers can easily integrate intelligent and value-added services, while the unique transflective
solution makes operating in direct sunlight easier than ever before.