Appliance must be electrically disconnected - meter set on Ω (Ohms) x
1 scale and adjust zero if necessary.
— Test leads from any appliance earth point to earth pin on plug.
Resistance should be less than 0.1 Ω (Ohm), check all earth wires
for continuity and all contacts are clean and tight.
Appliance electrically disconnected, all switches ON.
a) meter set on Ω (Ohms) x 1 scale.
Test leads from L to N in appliance terminal block. If meter reads
«0» then there is a short circuit.
b) meter set on Ω (Ohm) x 100 scale.
Repeat test with leads from L to E. If meter reads less than ∞
(infinity) there is a fault.
NOTE - Should it be found that the fuse has failed but no fault is indicated -
a detailed continuity check (i.e. by disconnecting and checking each
component) is required to trace the faulty component.
It is possible that a fault could occur as a result of local burning/arcing but
no fault could be found under test. However a detailed visual inspection
should reveal evidence of burning around the fault.