23. When the displays are lit as described, switch on
your loads one after the other. When doing this, take
care not to exceed the maximum permitted load
capacity of the UPS systems. Also take into account
the reserve capacities if active redundancy should
be required.
9.3.2 Changes to the parallel system
If you would like to add a UPS to the parallel system or remove
a UPS from the parallel system, this step is always done by
returning the UPS systems to BYPASS operating mode.
Load supply through mains operation!
(No UPS protection during this measure).
First, switch off the inverters of the UPS systems one after the
other (actuate the “OFF” pushbuttons). All UPS systems
function in SBS/bypass operation. Check the operating state on
the operating panels. Next, active the integrated manual
bypasses (no. 3, p. 27/28) on the back of each UPS. To do this,
first remove the 4 screws of the covers on the back.
Put the mains input miniature circuit breakers of each UPS (no. 2,
p. 27/28) to “OFF” position. Use your central external manual
bypass to bypass the loads, i.e. activate the bypass operation and
remove the load supply from the UPS busbar.
The voltage of each UPS is disconnected in its low-voltage
main distribution. You can now expand or reduce your parallel
system. Pay attention to the jumpers “JP1” / “JP2” and the
parallel operation cables. The subsequent start-up is carried out
as described in chapter 9.3.1.
If you only want to switch off a UPS in the
parallel system, press the “OFF” pushbutton
twice in succession to do this. In this way,
individual UPS systems can be disconnected
from the parallel operation busbar.