Shoe Size
The iStep F.I.T. upgrade will accurate-
ly measure shoe size and display it
here. If you have an iStep only, shoe
size must be entered at the beginning
of the test.
Recommended product
Based on the shoe size and type of
input at the beginning of the test, an
orthotic is recommended here.
Annotation Tool
After the test, the cursor can be used to
“write” over the display. Left click and
hold to draw lines on top of the image.
These drawings can be printed but not
saved. The tool is useful, however, for
explaining problems and educating the
(Figure 3H). To clear the annota-
tions, change the display option (see
Graphics below). Once the screen
refreshes, the annotations will be
Other Options
The test results can be printed, saved
to a CD, or saved to the computer.
Clicking the ‘Print’ button will print the
results to your computer
’s default
Click ‘Burn’ to save the results of the test to
a CD. Information on Foot Conditions will
also be saved.
Clicking on ‘Save’ will allow you to save the
test in a database on the computer, to be
viewed, printed, or burned at a later date.
Center of Force
After every test, a small icon will appear
to show the center of force for the body.
Analysis Mode
The actual numeric data from an iSTEP/ F.I.T.
test can be displayed at the top of the screen.
This is used by technical support to configure
and test the equipment. You should never
need to display this information.
Fig. 3H
Fig. 3G