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Setting the Resolution and Quality
You can select lower image resolution and quality to decrease the image size to capture more
images. Choose a suitable setting according to the desired image quality and purpose.
Option Description
3264x2448 - Suitable for printing large size paper.
3264x2176 - Printing in 3:2 ratio.
2560x1920 - Suitable for printing normal size paper.
2304x1728 - Suitable for printing on A4 paper.
1600x1200 - Suitable for printing on A5 paper.
640x480 - Suitable for attaching to e-mails or using in
Option Description
Stores the image with an extremely low compression.
Stores the image with a low compression.
Stores the image with normal compression.
Setting the Movie Size
Movie clips can be shot with different size.
Option Description
640x480 - Suitable for viewing on TV.
320x240 - Suitable for viewing on PC.
160x128 - Suitable for attaching to e-mails or using in