Model 8663A
Section 1
This manual contains information required to instill,
operate, test, adjust, and service the Hewlett-Packard
Model 8663A Signal Generator. The Model 8663A
will generally be referred to as the signal generator
throughout this manual.
The HP 8663A Operating and Service manual is
composed of an Operation and Calibration Manual
and a three volume service manual. The Operation and
Calibration Manual contains the following sections:
1. General Information
2. Installation
3. Operation
4. Performance Tests
5. 4djustments
The Service Manual (Volumes 1, 2 and 3) contain the
following Sections:
6. Replaceable Parts
7. Manual Changes
8. Service
The HP part number for the Operation and C&bra-
tion Manual is shown cm the title page of this manwd.
Part number for the Service Manual are shown on
the title pages of Volumes 1, 2 and 3 of the Service
l-2. SPECl!=lCATlONS
Instrument specifications are listed in Table l-1. These
specifications are the performance standards or limits
against which the instrwoant can be tested. Supple-
mental characteristics are not specifications but are
typical characteristics included as additional informa-
tion for the user.
This product is a Safety Class I instnnnent (provided
with a protective earth terminal), The signal generator
and all related doc”mentation must be reviewed for
familiarization with safety markings and instructions
before operation. Refer to the Safety Considerations
page found at the beginning of this manual for a
s”mmary of general safety information.
Safety information for installation and operation is
fo”nd in appropriate places throughout this manual.
4ttached to the instrument is a serial number plati.
The serial number is in the form: OOOOAOOOOO. The
serial number is composed of two parts; the first four
digits and the letter are the serial number prefix and
the last five digits are the suffix. The prefix is the
same for all identical instnnnents; it changes only
when a change is made to the instrwnent, The suffix,
however, is assigned seq”entially and is different for
each instrument. The contents of this manual apply
to instnxnenta with the serial number prefix(w) listed
unde? SERIAL NUMBERS on the title page.
Manual Updates. An instrument manufactured aftir
the printing of this manual may have a serial prefix
that is not listed on the title page. An unlisted serial
prefix number indicates that the instrument differs in
some way from those documented in this man”a1.
A “MANUAL UPDATES” packet is shipped with the
man”a1 when neceswy tn provide yo” with the most
current information available at the time of shipment.
These packets consist of replacement and addition
pages which should be incorporated into the rrmnual
to bring it “p to date.
Hewlett-Packard offers a Document Wpdate Service
that will provide you with f”rther updates as they
become available.
If you operate or service instruments of different
serial prefixes, we strongly recommend that you join
this service immediately to ensure that your manual
is kept current. For tnore information, refer to the
Documentition Update Service reply card included
with this manual or contact!
Technical Writing Department
Spokane Division
Hewlett-Packard Company
East 24001 Mission - TAF C-34
Spokane, Washin@on, W.S.A. 99220
Telephone (509) 922.4001