Troubleshooting and Test Functions
Evaluating the Results
Evaluating the Results
The sum of all leaks between the pump and the blank nut will be indicated by
a pressure drop of >2 bar/minute at the plateau. Note that small leaks may
cause the test to fail, but solvent may not be seen leaking from a module.
NOTE Please notice the difference between an error in the test and a failure of the
test! An error means that during the operation of the test there was an
abnormal termination. If a test failed, this means that the results of the test
where not within the specified limits.
If the pressure test fails:
• Ensure all fittings between the pump and the blank nut are tight. Repeat
the pressure test.
NOTE Often it is only a damaged blank nut itself (poorly shaped from overtightening)
that causes a failure of the test. Before investigating on any other possible
sources of failure make sure that the blank nut you are using is in good
condition and properly tightened!
• If the test fails again, insert the blank nut at the outlet of the previous
module in the stack (eg. autosampler, port 6 of the injection valve), and
repeat the pressure test. Exclude each module one by one to determine
which module is leaking.
• If the pump is determined to be the source of the leak, run the leak test.