Calibration Tests and Adjustment
dc Gain Accuracy
Figure 2-2
Set up the 1142A probe control and power module as follows:
a Set the Local/Remote push button to Local.
b Under DC Couple, press the Zero offset button.
With the 1141A Probe Amp disconnected from the test PCA, adjust the Offset
Null control on the 1142A until the DVM reads 0Vdc.
If the probe output voltage cannot be set to 0V, subtract this voltage from the subsequent
measurements in this test.
4 Connect the input of the Probe Amp to the test board in the position shown in
Figure 2-4 on page -31.
5 Adjust the DC Source to output 100 mV (nom.)
6 Record the V
measurement from the top DVM in figure 2-2.
7 Record the V
measurement from the bottom DVM in figure 2-2.
8 Connect the Probe Amp to measure a negative voltage as shown in figure 2-3.
9 Record the V
measurement from the bottom DVM in figure 2-2