Agilent Technologies 1141A Differential Probe and
1142A Probe Control and Power Module
This manual contains information for use and service of the differential
probe system, the 1141A Differential Probe and 1142A Probe Control
and Power Module. In this document, the two models will be treated as
a system.
Each of the two instrument models that make up the differential probe
system has a serial number sticker. The sticker for the 1141A
Differential Probe is inside the probe, in the bottom cover. (See
chapter 3 for disassembly procedure.)
The 1141A/1142A probe system allows measurement of small
differential signals in the presence of much larger common-mode
signals. It has the following major features:
• 200 MHz bandwidth
• Variable offset
• dc reject
• ac coupling
• Remote operating capability
The variable offset capability can be used to measure small ac signals in
the presence of much larger dc levels. Remote operation of key
features allows the use of the probe system in automatic test situations.
The probe can be used with an oscilloscope, spectrum analyzer, or any
instrument where differential probing is required and a compatible
50 Ω input is available.