Chapter 3: Testing Performance
To test the multiple-clock state acquisition
b In the oscilloscope timebase menu, select Position. Using the
oscilloscope knob, position the data waveform so the falling edge is near
the center of the display.
c On the oscilloscope, select [Shift] ∆ Time, then select [Enter] to display
the setup time (∆ Time(1)-(2)).
d Adjust the pulse generator channel 1 Delay until the pulses are aligned
according to the setup time of the setup/hold combination selected,
+0.0 ps or –100 ps.
3 Select the clocks to be tested:
a Click the Sampling Setup icon. The Analyzer Setup dialog opens.
b In the Sampling tab, click the Master button for one of the clocks and
select Rising Edge.
c Repeat the above steps for each of the remaining clocks until all clocks
have been configured with Rising Edge.