In This Guide
viii Operating Guide
Contents and Organization
The Quick Reference Guide consists of a Menu Tree (tear-out sheet)
that serves as a tool to trigger your memory or get you quickly
reacquainted with the instrument.
Chapter 1 Getting Started is a quick-start guide that gives you a brief
overview of the Counter’s keys, indicators, menus, display, and
connectors. A graphical procedure for performing a measurement is
also provided.
Chapter 2 Operating Your Instrument is an operator’s reference.
You are given an overview of each group of front-panel keys, operating
functions, and menus followed by a series of exercises that guide you
through the operation of the Counter.
Chapter 3 Specifications lists the specifications and characteristics of
the Counter.
Appendix A Rack Mounting the Counter provides rack-mounting
procedures for the Counter.
Appendix B Messages lists and explains all of the messages that are
displayed on the Counter’s front panel and/or sent over the RS-232
serial interface.
Appendix C Using the Battery Option explains how to use the
Counter with the Battery option.