:CHANnel<number>:TDRSkew <percent> [%]
This command sets the TDR skew for the given channel. The TDR skew
control moves the TDR step relative to the trigger position. The control may
be set from -100 to 100 percent of the allowable range. This command is only
applicable to TDR channels.
An integer, 1 through 4, indicating the slot in which the channel resides,
followed by an optional A or B identifying which of two possible channels in
the slot is being referenced.
A number between -100 and 100, used to set the step position.
:CHANnel<number>:UNITs[?] {VOLT | AMPere | WATT |
UNKNown | OHM | REFLect | GAIN}
For TDR and TDT applications, you can select the units OHM, REFLect, and
GAIN. OHM and REFLect may be selected for TDR channels, while GAIN
may be selected for TDT channels. You must perform a normalization and a
reference plane calibration to select these units.
An integer, 1-4, indicating the slot in which the channel resides.
Channel Commands