Chapter 5: Troubleshooting
To configure the motherboard jumpers and set up the BIOS
Configuration 3—Series 757 motherboard, 300 MHz CPU, and 1.44 Mbyte floppy
drive serial prefix range US3845 through US3909 with rear-panel label VIN # 025
Infiniium oscilloscopes of configuration 3 were equipped with AMI Series 757 motherboards
and the AMD K6/300 or K6-2/300 (300 MHz) processors. These K6 processors are dual-
voltage processors with a 2.2 V core and 3.3 V I/O. These dual-voltage processors require a
2.2 V voltage regulator module (VRM) in the motherboard’s VRM socket and that the J14
jumpers are set accordingly.
This motherboard lists the message "BIOS Release 757XXXXXX" and 64XXXKB of RAM when
the BIOS setup is entered. See "To configure the AMI Series 757 WINBIOS Parameters with
1.44 Mbyte floppy drive" for the appropriate BIOS setup procedure. See "Configuring the AMI
Series 757 Motherboard for 300 MHz CPU" for motherboard jumper configuration details to match
the K6/300 or K6-2/300 processor.
Configuration 4—Series 757 motherboard, 300 MHz CPU, and 120 Mbyte floppy
drive serial prefix range US3919 through US3935 with rear-panel label VIN # 025
Infiniium oscilloscopes of this configuration were equipped with AMI Series 757
motherboards and the AMD K6/300 or K6-2/300 (300 MHz) processors. These K6 processors
are dual voltage processors with a 2.2 V core and 3.3 V I/O. These dual voltage processors
require a 2.2 V voltage regulator module (VRM) in the motherboard’s VRM socket and that
the J14 jumpers are set accordingly.
This motherboard lists the message "BIOS Release 757XXXXXX" and 64XXXKB of RAM when
the BIOS setup is entered. See "To configure the AMI Series 757 WINBIOS Parameters with 120
Mbyte floppy drive" for the appropriate BIOS setup procedure. See "Configuring the AMI Series
757 Motherboard for 300 MHz CPU" for jumper configuration details to match the K6/300 or K6-
2/300 processor.
The respective motherboard jumper information and BIOS setups procedures are presented in
the following pages.
Configuration 5—FIC Series VA-503A, 400 MHz CPU, and 120 MByte floppy drive
serial prefix range US3949 and above with rear-panel label VIN # 03X
oscilloscopes of this configuration are equipped with the FIC Series VA-503A motherboard and
the AMD K6-2/400 processor. These processors are dual-voltage processors with a 2.2 V core
and 3.3 V I/O. The motherboard’s voltage select switch S1 must be configured for the correct
processor core voltage.
This motherboard configuration lists the following message or similar at turn-on:
Award Modular BIOS v.4.51PG - An Energy Star Friend
Copyright © 1984-99 Award Software
Version JN4202
AMD K6T-2/X00 CPU Found
Memory Test: 65536K OK
See “To Configure the FIC Series VA-503A Motherboard BIOS Parameters” for the appropriate
BIOS setup procedure.
(This configuration / vintage incorporates mechanical changes to the instrument chassis and
cabling to match the change in form factor of this motherboard. See the Replaceable Parts
chapter for new part numbers.)
2. Option 8ZE, remanufactured unit, may be older an configuration than the serial prefix number indicates. In
this case, refer to the rear-panel VIN # label, floppy drive, and BIOS screen to determine motherboard