Behavior Differences of Existing SCPI Commands
This section documents the behavior differences of existing SCPI commands when the Power Analyzer
input is selected or is active.
All standard ac source MEASure or FETCh functions are available for the Main Output of the ac source
as well as the Power Analyzer input. The SENSe:NSELect command selects the measurement source that
will return data.
When the Power Analyzer input is selected as the measurement source, this command returns the actual
frequency measured at the V SENSE input channel. When the Main Output of the ac source is selected as
the measurement source, this command returns the programmed output frequency.
NOTE: With no signal connected to the Power Analyzer input, this command may return a very
high frequency value. This is normal, since there is no external frequency for the
measurement circuit to detect.
SENSe:CURRent:ACDC:RANGe <value>
Sets the current measurement range of the selected measurement source (see SENSe:NSELect). Normally
when using the Main Output as the measurement source, you would put in a value and the ac source will
automatically select the current range. If you are using the Power Analyzer input with an external current
shunt as the measurement source, the crossover value of the current ranges can be determined with the
following formula: Crossover_value = 0.05713/shunt_resistance. Values greater than the crossover
value select the high current range. Alternatively, you can simply program MIN or MAX to select the
low or high current range.
TRIGger:ACQuire and other measurement trigger commands
SENSe:SWEep:TINTerval and other measurement timebase commands
These commands always apply to both measurement sources, regardless of which source is selected.
Returns the same response as a standard ac source, except for the firmware revision number.
Returns 20, except that the Agilent 6813B 2000 VA model returns 22.
SYSTem:CONFigure <NORMal | IEC >
All Option 020 capabilities are only available in NORMal mode.
SYSTem:LANGuage <SCPI | E9012>
All Option 020 capabilities are only available in SCPI mode.