Table A-1. Specifications, Option 002 (continued)
Pulse Timing
Low Bias or AC DROPOUT will go false after 5V supply stabilizes.
Bias Supplies
DC Output Ratings: (25°C ± 5)
No Load to Full Load 104V to 127V line.
+ 5 V ± 3% at 100mA
+15 V
± 3% at 75mA
± 4% at75mA
Short Circuit Output Current:
+5V 125mA ± 6%
+ 15V 103mA
± 6%
-15V 103mA
± 6%
PARD (Typical):
+ 5V 25mV pk-pk 1.5mV Rms
+ 15V Same Same
-15V Same Same
Status Indicator lines and Remote Control lines may be floated a maximum of 240Vdc (6010A, 250Vdc, 6011A, 6012B)
from ground from the power supply or from each other. These lines may not be connected to any primary circuits.
Jumpers Designation
W1--jumpered: OV indication @ A7J3-17 is active (lo) if OVP; Remote Trip or Remote Inhibit is
W1--open: OV indication is active (lo) if OVP or Remote Trip is active.
Normal operation as shipped: W3 and W4 jumpered W2 and W5 open.
OVP Programmable (6011A) A7J3-25/CV: W2 jumpered; W3 open or
AJ3-24/CC: W5 jumpered; W4 open
S1A,B in open position.