General Information 9
General Information
This manual contains specifications, installation instructions, and operating instructions for DC Power Supply Models:
Agilent6010A, 6011A, 6012B, 6015A, 6023A and 6028A. Refer to "Related Documents" for other information concerning
these products.
These power supplies are autoranging supplies. Autoranging allows the power supply to deliver full output power over a
higher voltage and current combination than would be possible with a rectangular output characteristic (see figure 1-1).
They use a 20k Hz pulse-width modulation circuit with power MOSFETs to provide the autoranging output characteristic
with laboratory performance.
Output voltage and current are continuously indicated on two 3 ½ digit displays. Front-panel controls allow the user to set
output voltage, current and Overvoltage Protection (OVP) trip levels. OVP protects the load by quickly and automatically
interrupting energy transfer if a preset voltage trip level is exceeded. Push button switches allow the display to alternately
show the programmed values of voltage and current or the overvoltage limit. LED indicators show the operating state of the
unit (CV, CC, Unregulated and Overvoltage).
All connections are made to rear-panel screw-on terminals.
Output voltage can be locally or remotely sensed.
A six-position MODE switch located on the rear panel is used to change from front panel control to remote voltage or
remote resistance control. See section 3 for a description of remote programming, remote sensing and several methods of
multiple supply operation.
Either the positive or negative output terminal may be grounded or the output may be floated (including output voltage) up
240 Vdc on models 6011A, 6012B, 6023A and 6028A or
550 Vdc on models 6010A and 6015A from chassis
The power supply is fan cooled and is packaged in an Agilent Technologies System II-compatible modular that provides
easy access for servicing. A thermostat shuts down the supply if an over-temperature condition occurs and resets
Safety Considerations
This product is a Safety Class 1 instrument (provided with a protective earth terminal). The instrument and this manual
should be reviewed for safety markings and instructions before operation. Refer to the Safety Summary page at the
beginning of this manual for general safety information. Safety information for specific procedures is located at appropriate
places in this manual.
Options are standard factory modifications or accessories that are delivered with the supply. The following options are
available. Note lower output power and voltage specifications for Option 100, which is described in Appendix A.