Operating Instructions
Table 3-10. Status Register Errors
Error # Description
No Errors
Unrecognized Character
—A character like ! " # was received
Improper Number—A numeric character ( + -. 0...9) was received but the following characters did not
represent a proper number. For example,
5 V or .V or + V. Examples of errors that are not error 2 are: E +
04 is error 3 because E is not a numeric character and is not used in any command; 12. 34E~1 is error 4
because it is treated as 12 followed by 3.4, and no commands have two numbers separated by spaces.
Unrecognized String—A string of consecutive alpha characters that could not be found in the table of
command words was received. Cause could be a spelling error or missing separator. For example, OUTON
would be seen as one word, and would be an error.
Syntax Error—A word, number, terminator, or separator was incorrectly placed. For example, ON OUT,
UNMASK,CC, or VOUT 5 V IOUT 5 A. A syntax error will also result if more than the maximum number of
parameters are specified in the UNMASK mnemonic-form command.
Number Out Of Range—A number was received that is too large for the command with which it was
received, for example, VOUT 5E + 5, RCL 200, or DLY 100S. Any negative number will also cause error 5.
Note that soft limit errors are error 6.
Attempt To Exceed Soft Limits—An attempt was made to program a voltage or current greater than the soft
limit. Note that if the programmed voltage or current is greater than the maximum rating of the supply, error 5
will result.
Improper Soft Limit—An attempt was made to program a soft limit less than the associated output value in
either first or second rank. Note that if an attempt is made to program a soft limit greater than the maximum
soft limit of the power supply, error 5 will result.
Data Requested Without A Query Being Sent—A query command, for example VOUT?, instructs the power
supply to ready data for transmission to the controller. A query command must precede each request for data
by the controller. If the controller requests data from the power supply (with ENTER statement) without first
having sent a query, error 8 will result.
Relay Error—The relay accessory is not connected or is incorrectly configured, or the INH-FLT/RLY LNK
switch is in the wrong position.
If the power supply output is disabled (OUT OFF command has been sent), the following tests are performed:
RAM Test #2
ROM Test
Real-Time Clock Test
Serializer Test
PSI Digital I/O Test
If the power supply output is enabled (output is on), only these tests are performed:
RAM Test #2
ROM Test
Real-Time Clock Test
Serializer Test