Figure 2-8. Load Transient Recovery Waveform
g. Check that the amplitude of the transient pulse at 1 ms is no more than:
150mV/2ms (6030A)
100mV/2ms (6031A)
100mV/2ms (6032A)
200mV/5ms (6035A)
Constant Current (CC) Tests
CC Setup. Constant-current tests are analogous to constant-voltage tests, with the unit's output short circuited and the
voltage set to full output to assure CC operation. Follow the general setup instructions of Pages 21 and 22.
Current Programming And Readback Accuracy. This procedure verifies that the current programming and readback
functions are within specifications. A GPIB controller must be used for this test. The accuracy of the current shunt resistor
(Rm) must be 0.02% or better. Proceed as follows:
a. Connect test setup shown in Figure 2-5, except replace the load with a short circuit.
b. Turn on ac power to the power supply.
c. Send string:
"VSET 200; ISET 0.5" (6030A)
"VSET 20; ISET 0.5" (6031A)
''VSET 60; ISET 0.5" (6032A)
''VSET 500; ISET 0.10" (6035A)
d. Check that the voltage across Rm is in the range:
4.75 to 5.25mV (6030A)
248 to 751µV (6031A)
4.14 to 5.86mV (6032A)
1.5 to 1.85mV (6035A)
Note the reading.
e. Enter and run the following program:
10 OUTPUT 705; "IOUT?''
20 ENTER 705; A
40 GOTO 10
50 END
f. The value displayed by the controller should be the actual output current:
± 17mA (6030A)
± 102mA (6031A)
± 36mA (6032A)
± 50 mA (6035A)