12 General Information
Safety Requirements
This product is a Safety Class 1 instrument, which means that it is provided with a protective earth ground terminal. This
terminal must be connected to an ac source that has a 3-wire ground receptacle. Review the instrument rear panel and this
manual for safety markings and instructions before operating the instrument. Refer to the Safety Summary page at the
beginning of this manual for a summary of general safety information. Specific safety information is located at appropriate
places in this manual.
The Electronic Load is designed to comply with the following safety and environmental requirements:
IEC 348-Safety requirements for electronic measuring apparatus.
CSA 22.2 No. 231-Electronic instruments and scientific apparatus for special use and applications.
UL 1244-Electrical and electronic measuring and testing equipment.
Table 1-1 lists the specifications and supplemental characteristics for the Agilent 6050A/6051A Electronic Load mainframe.
All specifications apply over an operating range of 0 to +55
C for the mainframe. Specifications are guaranteed through the
warranty of the product. Supplemental characteristics are type-tested or typical values based on a product sample and, while
representative, are not guaranteed for all instruments.
Table 1-1. Agilent 6050A/6051A Specifications and Supplemental Characteristics
AC Input:
Three internal switches permit operation from 100, 120, 220, or 240 Vac lines.
Amplitude: -13% to +6% nominal line voltage
Frequency: 48 to 63 Hz
Supplemental Characteristics:
AC Input:
Fuse: The ac input is protected by internal fuses.
Maximum VA: 635
GPIB Programming Command Processing Time (Time required for a GPIB command processed by the
Electronic Load): 70 milliseconds (typical)
GPIB Interface Capabilities:
SH1, AH1, T6, L4, SR1, RLI, DT1, DC1
Trigger Input:
Vlo = 0.9 V maximum at Ilo = -1 mA
Vhi = 3.15 V minimum (pull-up resistor on input)
Trigger Input:
Vlo = 0.72 V maximum at Ilo = 1 mA
Vhi = 4.4 V minimum at Ilo = -20 µA