
General Programming Aspects
Status Model
QUEStionable Status Group
The QUEStionable Status group is used to report warning conditions
amongst the voltage, current, pulse timing, frequency and pattern
parameters. Warnings occur when a parameter, although not outside its
maximum limits, could be causing an invalid signal at the output because
of the actual settings and uncertainties of related parameters.
Bit QUEStionable
0 Voltage warning
1 Current warning
2 Time warning
3 Unused, always 0
4 Unused, always 0
5 Frequency warning
6 Unused, always 0
7 Unused, always 0
8 Unused, always 0
9 Pattern warning
10 Unused, always 0
11 Unused, always 0
12 Unused, always
13 Unused, always 0
14 Unused, always 0
15 Always 0