
84 Diagrams
Schematic Notes
Notes that apply to all schematic sheets are as follows:
þ All resistors are in ohms +/-1%, 1/8 W, unless otherwise specified.
þ All capacitors are in microfarads unless otherwise specified.
þ Refer to the parts list (Table 5-1) for the values of the resistors and capacitors that are enclosed by a heavy rectangle
on the schematic. Their values differ from model to model. The schematic shows only the values used by Model
þ An asterisk negates a signal name. For example,
WR appears on the schematic as WR*.
þ Signal line destinations are given inside the parentheses at the end of the signal lines. For example, PCLR* (S02C5)
on Power board schematic sheet 1 of 5, indicates that the PCLR* signal continues on schematic sheet 2 of 5 at grid
coordinates C, 5. Coordinates are labeled on the schematic border.
þ Signal lines that are terminated by flags
continue onto other sheets. Note that flags do NOT indicate signal flow
þ Signal lines without flags go to another location of the same schematic sheet.
þ Test points on the schematic sheets (e.g. TP22) identify the location of the test points used in the troubleshooting
procedures in Chapter 3.
þ Voltages and waveforms shown on the schematics are obtained when following the troubleshooting procedures in
Chapter 3.