Calibration Procedures 91
Table A-1. Calibration Commands
Command Header Channel*
Data Syntax
(see Figure 5-2)
Calibration Mode CMODE 0,1 (off,on) C2
Set High Voltage VHI 1,2,3,4 - C3
Set Low Voltage VLO 1,2,3,4 - C3
Set High Current IHI 1,2,3,4 - C3
Set Low Current ILO 1,2,3,4 - C3
Calibrate Overvoltage OVCAL 1,2,3,4 - C3
Voltage Data VDATA 1,2,3,4 see Table A-2 C5
Current Data IDATA 1,2,3,4 see Table A-2 C5
*Channels 3 and 4 are not used in all models.
Table A-2. Voltage and Current Data Ranges
Voltage Range in Volts Current Range in Amps
Vlo Vhi llo Ihi
Output Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max
40 W Low Voltage 0 0.1 18.5 20.5 0 0.15 4.5 5.3
40 W High Voltage 0.04 0.20 44 48 0 0.1 1.5 2.1
80 W Low Voltage 0 0.1 18.5 20.5 0.05 0.25 9 10.5
80 W High Voltage 0.04 0.20 44 48 0 0.1 3.5 4.2
General Calibration Procedure
This procedure causes the voltage of the specified output to go to full scale value. Take appropriate
The following general procedure applies to any computer that you are using to control your power supply. This procedure
must be repeated for each output on your power supply. The calibration commands shown are the actual string commands
that must be sent to the power supply. Because the power supply will attempt to calibrate itself even when incorrect or
invalid readings are sent to it, it is recommended that you perform some type of error checking after steps 4, 5, and 8 to
ensure that the values sent to the supply are legitimate. Use the ranges in Table A-2 as a guide. If an error is detected while
in calibration mode, send CLR or turn the supply off to maintain the previous calibration constants. This will prevent
incorrect constants from being stored. See Table 5-8 for a list of errors.
Before you continue with this procedure, disconnect all loads from the supply, strap the supply for local sensing, and
connect the voltmeter to the + S and - S terminals as shown in the voltage calibration setup of Figure A-1.