
Getting Started
Output On/Off. You can turn a specified output on or off. Individual outputs can be controlled as shown below.
To turn off output 1, send:
OUTPUT 705; ’’OUT 1,0"
When an output is turned off, it is set to 0 volts and to the minimum current limit value
To turn on output 1, send:
OUTPUT 705; ’’OUT 1,1"
When an output is turned on it will return to the voltage and current settings determined by the present VSET and ISET
Overvoltage Setting. You can send an overvoltage setting value to the power supply directly in volts. If the output voltage
exceeds this setting, the output crowbar is fired, and the output voltage is quickly downprogrammed and disabled (0 volts
To set the overvoltage value of output 2 to 3.5 volts, send:
OUTPUT 705; “OVSET 2,3.5”
Overcurrent Protection. The output will go to the off state (0 volts and 0 current) when the overcurrent protection (OCP)
feature is enabled and the output is in the + CC mode. To enable the overcurrent protection mode for output 2 send:
OUTPUT 705; ''OCP 2,1"
To disable the overcurrent protection mode for output 2, send:
OUTPUT 705; ''OCP 2,0"
When overcurrent protection is disabled and the output is in + CC mode, the output current will be limited to and will stay
at the ISET value.
Returning the Supply to Local Mode
In the remote mode (RMT annunciator on), the front panel keys have no effect on any of the supply's outputs and only the
computer can control the supply. However, you can still use the front panel display to monitor the output voltage and
current or check any of the present settings (VSET, ISET, OVSET, etc.) of the selected output channel.
If you want to use the front panel keys to change the output settings, you must return the supply to the local mode. You can
return the supply to the local mode (provided that the local lockout command has not been received from the computer) by
pressing the LCL key. A change between the local and remote modes (or vice versa) will not result in a change in the power
supply outputs. Refer to Chapter 6 for additional details on using the LCL key and operating the supply in the local mode.