
Alignment Procedures
Alignment Program (continued)
1050 !
1060 !
1070 !
1080 DEF FNDci(I_range) ! Function to read current
1090 COM /Vm/ @Vm
1100 COM /Shunt/ Shunt_r
1110 IF I_range=2 THEN ! 2A must read across shunt
1120 Amps=FNDcv/Shunt_r ! Convert shunt voltage to Amps
1130 ELSE! ! <2A read direct from DMM
1140 OUTPUT @Vm;"DCI" ! Set DMM to read DC current
1150 TRIGGER @Vm ! Take a current reading
1160 ENTER @Vm;Amps ! Enter the current
1170 END IF
1180 RETURN Amps ! Return the current reading
1190 FNEND
1200 !
1210 !
1220 !
1230 SUB Output_on ! Subprogram to turn ON outputs
1240 COM /Ps/ Chan,Other_chan, @Ps, Model$[7]
1250 COM /Outputs/ No_of_outputs
1260 OUTPUT @Ps; OUT l,l;OUT 2,1 ! Turn on outputs 1 & 2
1270 IF No_of_outputs=4 THEN OUTPUT @Ps;"OUT 3,1;OUT 4,1"
1280 ! Turn on outputs 3 & 4
1300 !
1310 !
1320 !
1330 SUB Output_off ! Subprogram to turn OFF outputs
1340 COM /Ps / Chan, Other_chan, @Ps, Mode1$ [ 7 ]
1350 COM /Outputs/ No_of_outputs
1360 OUTPUT @Ps;"OUT 1,0,OUT 2,0" ! Turn off outputs 1 & 2
1370 IF No_of_outputs=4 THEN OUTPUT @Ps; “OUT 3,0;OUT 4,0”
1380 ! Turn off outputs 3 & 4
1400 !
1410 !
1420 !
1430 Cal_voltage : SUB Cal_voltage(V_range) ! Subprogram to cal voltage
1440 COM /Ps/ Chan,Other_chan,@Ps,Model$ [7]
1450 !
1460 IF V_range=50 THEN GOTO Cal_v ! Skip setup instructions
1470 Output_off ! Turn off all outputs
1480 Clear_screen
1490 PRINT "Set up output";Chan;"for voltage calibration
1500 PRINT
1510 PRINT " Use Fig A-1 of the Operating Manual"
1520 PRINT
1530 PRINT “ 3458A input is connected to VOLTAGE terminals”
1540 PRINT
1550 PRINT " The current shunt is NOT used"
1560 PRINT