
J307 voltages, 39
line voltage wiring, 46
manual revisions, 10
notice, 5
-OUT, 47
out of range, 41
OV_Detect*, 48, 52
OV_Prog, 50
OV_SCR*, 48, 52
PARD, 15, 19
password, 41
performance test form, 19
performance tests, 13
PM_Inhibit, 52
power-on self-test, 37
primary interface, 48
printing, 5
programming, 13
protection, 40
readback accuracy, 14
reference voltages, 38, 39
replaceable parts - binding posts, 57
replaceable parts - chassis, 55
revisions, 10
RmHi, 52
RmLo, 52
ROM upgrade, 42
RPG, 48
RS-232, 47
safety considerations, 9
safety summary, 3
A1, 77, 78, 79
A4, 76
schematic notes, 71
SCR, 52
secondary interface, 48
self-test, 37
-sense, 47
sense switch, 52
serial number, 5
series regulator, 50
shunt clamp, 52
status annunciators, 38
Temp_Amb, 50
test equipment, 11
test setup, 12
trademarks, 5
transformer removal, 45
transient recovery, 16
troubleshooting - bias and reference supplies, 38, 39
troubleshooting - equipment, 24
troubleshooting - flowcharts, 24
troubleshooting - introduction, 23
troubleshooting - overall, 24
troubleshooting - status annunciators, 38
UNR, 38
verification tests, 13
VMon, 50, 52
voltage programming, 14
warranty, 2