Elgar Model 9012 Compatibility - D
All power source functions not set by the above commands go to the state defined by the SCPI *RST
command, with the following exceptions:
The SOA fault, overtemperature, rail fault, overvoltage, and overcurrent protection features are operational
in E9012 language and are reported through the serial poll response byte. Clearing the protection latch is
done by programming an output voltage using the VOLTS command.
There is no command to set the overvoltage threshold in E9012 language. The value is fixed at MAXimum
(500V). The overcurrent protection can be enabled by programming a non-zero value for the current limit.
Setting the value to 0 disables overcurrent protection and sets the current limit function to allow maximum
load current.
Front Panel Operation
Many front panel keys are re-defined when E9012 language is selected.
System Keys
The Local, Address, and Error keys are identical in SCPI and E9012 languages. The Recall and Save
keys are not operational in E9012 language.
Function Keys
The Meter, Harmonic, Index, Phase Select, and Output on/off keys are identical in SCPI and E9012
languages. The Output, Phase, Protect, Status, Shape, Trigger and List keys are not operational in E9012
Voltage key functions:
Display Format Description
VOLTS <value> Set AC output voltage
RNG <value> Set voltage range (0 | 1)
Current key functions:
Display Format Description
CURL <value> Set current limit. A value of 0 turns off over-current protection
Freq key functions:
Display Format Description
FREQ <value> Set output frequency
RNGF <value> Set frequency range (0, 1, or 2)