Programming Examples - 4
The output frequency is controlled with the FREQuency command. To set the output frequency to 50 Hz,
FREQuency 50
Voltage and Frequency Slew Rates
Voltage Slew
The ac source has the ability to control the slew rate of ac amplitude changes. This can be used to
generate ramps or to protect sensitive loads. To set the voltage slew rate to 20 volts per second, use:
At *RST the slew rate is set to INFinity, which means that ac voltage changes occur at the fastest possible
slew rate. The slew rate applies to programmed changes in ac output amplitude while the unit is operating
in fixed mode. Amplitude changes made by the step, pulse, and list transients are controlled by the same
rules that apply to all other functions that are subject to transient control. See "Programming Transient
NOTE: Output voltage changes caused by the OUTPut:STATe or VOLTage:OFFSet commands,
by a protection feature disabling the output, or as a result of load changes are not subject
to this slew rate control.
Frequency Slew
The ac source also has the ability to control the slew rate of frequency changes. To set the frequency slew
rate to 30 Hz per second, use:
FREQuency:SLEW 30
At *RST the slew rate is set to INFinity, which means that frequency changes occur instantaneously. The
frequency slew rate applies to programmed changes in frequency while the unit is operating in fixed mode.
Frequency changes made by the step, pulse, and list transients are controlled by the same rules that
apply to all other functions that are subject to transient control. See "Programming Transient Outputs".
Waveform Shapes
At *RST, the ac source supplies a sine waveform, but other shapes can be selected. There are built-in
tables for sine, square and clipped sine waveforms. In addition, the user can define arbitrary waveshapes
by creating a 1024 point table of amplitudes for a single cycle.
As shown in the following examples, the FUNCtion[:SHAPe] command selects the output waveform.
Square Waveform
To select the square output waveform, use: