
Programming Commands
CALCulate1 Subsystem
The frequency spacing between values is uniform and is equal to the reference
laser frequency (473.6127 THz) divided by 64K, or 7.226756 GHz. Note the
spacing between values is not uniform in wavelength units. The values
returned are in ascending optical frequency.
The first value of the uncorrected frequency data corresponds to an optical
frequency of 181.6879 THz (1650.041 nm). The last value of the uncorrected
frequency data corresponds to an optical frequency of 428.2793 THz (699.993
nm). For example, a laser line peak located at the 1,500th returned value has
an optical frequency of:
or, 1557.195 nm (in vacuum).
measurement mode is selected, the uncorrected frequency domain
data consists of 8K (8,192) values. The frequency spacing between elements
is uniform and is equal to the reference laser frequency (473.6127 THz)
divided by 8K, or 57.81405 GHz. Note the spacing between values is not uni-
form in wavelength units. The values returned are in ascending optical fre-
quency. Only the frequency domain data corresponding to 700-1650 nm
wavelength (in vacuum) is returned (4,268 values). The first value of the
uncorrected frequency data corresponds to an optical frequency of 181.652
THz (1650.37 nm). The last value of the uncorrected frequency data corre-
sponds to an optical frequency of 428.344 THz (699.89 nm). For example, a
laser line peak located at the 200th returned value has an optical frequency of:
or, 1551.07 nm (in vacuum).
If your program is aborted or interrupted after sending this query, the
Agilent 86120B continues to process the data but does not place it in the out-
put buffer. Because of the amount of data processed, the instrument will not
respond to any new commands in its input buffer for up to 20 seconds.
This query will generate a “Settings conflict” error if the instrument is in
either the coherence length or the signal-to-noise average application.
requency 181.6879 THz 1 499 7.226756 GHz
192.5208 THz
requency 181.652 THz 199 57.81405 GHz
193.157 THz