Using the Instrument
Calibrating Wavelength Measurements
Calibrating Wavelength Measurements
Environmental variations such as air pressure, temperature, and humidity can
affect the index of refraction of air in the monochromator of the optical spec-
trum analyzer (OSA). This section discusses calibration methods that you can
use to improve the wavelength accuracy in the Agilent 8614X OSA’s. Refer to
“Calibration” on page 3-17 and to “Calibrator Multi-Pt Align” on page 3-18.
Note Many aspects of remotely programming the optical spectrum analyzers are discussed
in Product Note 86140-2R, Wavelength Calibration for the 86140X Series Optical
Spectrum Analyzers (Literature part number 5980-0043E).
Overview Wavelength calibration routines improve wavelength accuracy by determining
errors and correcting them with offsets, using linear interpolation when neces-
sary. For maximum wavelength accuracy, calibration points spaced a maxi-
mum of 10 nm apart are recommended.
You can perform a wavelength calibration by using one of the following meth-
• Manual Method using Internal Calibrator
• Remote Method using Internal Calibrator
• Manual Method using an External Single Wavelength Source
• Remote Method using an External Single Wavelength Source
• External Multipoint Wavelength Calibration
These calibration routines should only be performed after the instrument’s
temperature has been stabilized by a minimum of 1 hour of continuous opera-