Example: Storing and Retrieving Data From Mainframe Memory. This
example shows how to use mainframe memory to store 15 readings made using
an Agilent E1326A Multimeter. After the readings are stored, they are retrieved
by the computer and displayed.
10 REAL OHM_RGS(1:15) Create computer array for 15
20 OUTPUT 70903;"CONF:FRES (@105:109)"
Configure multimeter for 4-wire
resistance, scan channels 105 -
30 OUTPUT 70903;"RES:OCOM ON" Enable offset compensation
40 OUTPUT 70903;"TRIG:COUN 3" Cycle through scan list 3 times
50 OUTPUT 70903;"INIT" Trigger multimeter, store the
readings in mainframe memory
60 OUTPUT 70903;"FETCH?" Get readings from mainframe
70 ENTER 70903;OHM_RGS(* ) Enter readings into computer
80 PRINT OHM_RGS (*) Display readings on computer
90 END
Non-Volatile User
The System Instrument provides a way to allocate a segment of its non-volatile
memory for storage and retrieval of user data. The structure and content of the
data you store in this memory segment is up to you. The commands provided for
data access merely store or retrieve a specified number of bytes. Commands for
allocating and accessing the memory segment are implemented by the System
Instrument (logical address, and GPIB secondary address 0).
Allocating a User
Memory Segment
The SCPI command DIAGnostic:NRAM:CREate < size> is used to allocate a
segment of User non-volatile RAM. The ammount of memory allocated is
controlled by the size parameter. The DIAG:NRAM:CRE command informs
the system of your request for a User RAM segment. The segment in not
allocated until the system is reset (DIAG:BOOT command, or RESET from the
front panel). Once the NRAM segment is allocated, you can consider it part of
your System Instrument’s configuration. It will remain through power
interruptions and system resets. Only the DIAG:BOOT:COLD , or
DIAG:NRAM:CRE 0 commands can de-allocate the NRAM segment.
Allocating an NRAM segment will de-allocate a previously allocated RDISk
segment. To include both types; allocate them both before a reset, or allocate
the NRAM segment, reset the system, then allocate the RDISk segment and
again reset the system.
Locating the NRAM
Since the system decides where in memory to locate the NRAM segment, you
must execute the DIAG:NRAM:ADDRess? query to determine its starting
Using the Mainframe 4-7