Agilent E1333A 3-Channel Universal
Counter Menu
Menu Levels and Content
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 User Entry Command(s) Used Description
COUNTER MONITOR CHAN1 DISP:MON:CHAN 1;STAT ON Monitor instrument operations on channel 1
CHAN2 DISP:MON:CHAN 2;STAT ON Monitor instrument operations on channel 2
CHAN3 DISP:MON:CHAN 3;STAT ON Monitor instrument operation on channel 3
AUTO DISP:MON:CHAN AUTO;STAT ON Monitor instrument operations on active channel
INPUT LEVEL CHAN1 voltage † SENS1:EVEN:LEV< value> Set trigger level voltage for channel 1
CHAN2 voltage † SENS2:EVEN:LEV< value> Set trigger level voltage for channel 2
SLOPE CHAN1 POS SENS1:EVEN: SLOP POS Posi tive trigger slope for channel 1
NEG SENS1:EVEN:SLOP NEG Negative trigger slope for channel 1
CHAN2 POS SENS2:EVEN:SLOP POS Positive trigger slope for channel 2
NEG SENS2:EVEN:SLOP NEG Negative trigger slope for channel 2
COUPLE AC INP:COUP AC AC-coupled input (channels 1 & 2 only)
DC INP:COUP DC DC-coupled input (channels 1&2)
IMPED 50_OHM INP:IMP 50 50Ω input resistance (channels 1 & 2 only)
1_MOHM INP:IMP 1e6 1MΩ input resistance (channels 1 & 2 only)
ATTEN 0dB INP:ATT 0 No input attenuation (channels 1 & 2 only)
20dB INP:ATT 20 20dB input attenuation (channels 1 & 2 only)
FILTER ON INP:FILT ON Input filter on (channels 1 & 2 only)
OFF INP:FILT OFF Input filter off (channels 1 & 2 only)
FREQ CHAN1 TRIG:SOUR IMM;:MEAS1:FREQ? Frequency measurement on channel 1
CHAN2 TRIG:SOUR IMM;:MEAS2:FREQ? Frequency measurement on channel 2
CHAN3 TRIG:SOUR IMM;:MEAS3:FREQ? Frequency measurement on channel 3
PERIOD CHAN1 TRIG:SOUR IMM;:MEAS1:PER? Period measurement on channel 1
CHAN2 TRIG:SOUR IMM;:MEAS2:PER? Period measurement on channel 2
(continued on following page)
3-38 Using the Display Terminal Interface