Voltage and Current Programming of the
E3614A/15A/16A/17A with Resistors
Remote programming with resistors permits control of the regulated output or current
by means of a remotely varied resistor. The sum of the resistance of external
programming resistors (R1 + R2) should be more than 40 kohm. To have more precise
output voltage, use a variable resistor more than 40 kohm. The voltage control on the
front panel is disabled during remote resistor programming.
NOTE Do not operate the power supply simultaneously in the remote analog voltage
programming and in the remote resistor programming.
Remote Resistor Programming Connections
Remote resistor programming requires changing the setting of the switches and
connecting external resistors between “+” and “`-” terminals of “CV” and “VREF”
terminal or “+” and “-” terminals of “CC” and “VREF” terminal. Any noise picked up
on the programming leads will appear on the power supply's output and may degrade
regulation. To reduce noise pickup, use a twisted or shielded pair of wires for
programming, with the shield grounded at one end only.
Remote Resistor Programming, Constant Voltage
Figure 7
Set the CV switch down on the rear panel, and all others up.
= A x [V
x {R/(R + R2 + 100)}]
Where V
is the power supply output voltage.
A is the gain factor and the values of each model are as below.
is between 10.11 V and 11.40 V.
R = (92800 x R1)/(92800 + R1)
R1 + R2 > 40 kohm
Model A
E3614A 0.8
E3515A 2.0
E3616A 3.5
E3617A 6.0