Index 125
LED (see front panel LEDs)
line cord, 19, 20
line fuse (see fuse)
linked connections, 37
local voltage sensing, 31
capacitive (see capacitive load)
inductive (see inductive load)
load wire, 29
maximum power, 16, 17
measurement subsystem, 72
memory (table) subsystem, 73
message, error (see error messages)
meter mode, 24
monitor, current (see current monitor)
National Instruments DOS driver, 57
nonvolatile memory, 14, 17, 65, 69, 73, 76, 97
<NR1>, 53
<NR2>, 53
<NR3>, 53
<Nrf>, 53
<Nrf+>, 53
OC, 33, 43, 74, 76
OC bit (see status bit)
OCP operation, 46, 47
OCP, 17, 25, 32, 46, 47, 76
key (see front panel keys)
offsets, 18
operating features, 14
OPC bit (see status bit)
OPER bit (see status bit)
OT, 43, 74, 82, 91
OT bit (see status bit)
OUT OF RANGE, 15, 44
output characteristic, 15
output isolation, 30, 97
output impedance (see impedance, output)
output queue, 62, 90
OV, 25, 43, 46
OV bit (see status bit)
OV OC, 17
overcurrent protection (see OCP)
overlapped commands, 64
overvoltage protection (see OVP)
OVP operation, 45, 46
OVP, 25, 31, 32, 35, 45, 46, 75, 79
packaging material, 19
parallel commands (see overlapped commands)
parallel operation, 34
peak power tracker, 102
performance test, 105
Pmp, 16, 103
PON bit (see status bit)
power cord (see line cord)
conditions (see turn-on conditions)
checkout, 23
status, 90
power options, 13
power receptacle, 20
power source, 13, 20
primary address (see GPIB address)
accuracy, 95
analog, 37
examples, 56
parameters, 71
pending operations, 55, 64, 68, 75, 85, 92
resolution, 96
program message (see SCPI, command message)
PSC bit (see status bit)
PWR ON, 48
query, 51, 56, 61, 62
QUES bit (see status bit)
QYE bit (see status bit)
reading registers, 33, 56, 89, 90
real-time status, 80, 82, 87, 90
recalled parameters, 65, 66
recalling states, 14, 27, 41, 48, 55, 65, 66
register commands
status byte, 68, 89
status operation, 76, 87
status preset, 81
status questionable, 82, 89
standard event, 63, 64, 89
series, 104
shunt, 104
remote inhibit (see RI)
remote voltage sensing, 16, 31
and output noise, 32
and output rating, 32
and output stability, 32
switch, 30, 31
reset state (see *RST state)