8 Chapter 2
Option Installation
Removing Removable Hard Disk
Follow the steps below to remove a removable hard disk.
CAUTION Before removing a hard disk, you must turn off the unit’s power and then disconnect the
power cord from the outlet.
Step 1. Turn off the power.
Step 2. Insert the key in the lock and turn anti-clockwise.
Step 3. Open the screw in clockwise direction.
Step 4. Press the button under direction.
Step 5. Remove the hard disk.
Mounting Removable Hard Disk
Follow the steps below to mount a removable hard disk.
Step 1. Insert the hard disk into the slot.
Step 2. Turn the screw in anti-clockwise direction until it is locked.
Step 3. Turn the key to the right until it is locked.
Step 4. Remove the key.
Step 5. Turn on the E5052B.