Line Build Out
This is an option used to set the transmitter signal level and pulse shape to match
the length of cable to the first repeater on the network.
LMI (Local Management Interface)
Frame Relay management protocol controlling the configuration of permanent
virtual circuits.
Longitudinal Redundancy Check (LRC)
A technique for error checking in the data stream where each character plus parity
is used to calculate errors.
MAC address
A 12-digit (48 bit) hexadecimal number that identifies a specific network station
and allows messages to be directed to that station only. Because the IEEE has
assigned identifiers for each hardware manufacturer, no two pieces of equipment
have the same address. The address assigned according to the IEEE plan is
referred to as a device’s globally-administered station address. Some devices
provide an option for the user to assign a different station address that will
override the original. This type of address is referred to as a locally-administered
station address. The station address is also commonly called a MAC address,
Ethernet address, Token-Ring address, or physical address.
A node that collects network management information from agents.
Management station
A station that collects network management information from probes.
An electrical pulse on the cable which reflects a state of “1”.
MAU (Medium Attachment Unit)
The assembly used to provide the physical connection and access to a LAN. It is
the device on the LAN that detects collisions. (A transceiver is also called a MAU
in the IEEE 802.3 standard.)