
1 Quick Reference
16 Series N6700 User’s Guide
SCPI Command Description
[:STATe] <Bool> [,NORelay], (@chanlist) Enables/disables the specified output channel(s)
:COUPle[:STATe] <Bool> Enables/disables channel coupling for output synchronization
:CHANNel [<NR1> {,<NR1>}] Selects which channels are coupled
:DOFFset <NRf> Specifies a maximum delay offset to synchronize output changes
:MAX:DOFFset? Returns the maximum delay offset required for a mainframe
:FALL <NRf+>, (@chanlist) Sets the output turn-off sequence delay
:RISE <NRf+>, (@chanlist) Sets the output turn-on sequence delay
:PMODe VOLTage | CURRent, (@chanlist) Sets the mode for turn on/off transitions (Agilent N6761A/62A)
:INHibit:MODE LATChing | LIVE | OFF Sets the remote inhibit input
:PON:STATe RST | RCL0 Programs the power-on state
:CLEar (@chanlist) Resets latched protection
:COUPle <Bool> Enables/disables channel coupling for protection faults
:DELay <NRf+>, (@chanlist) Sets over-current protection programming delay
:RELay:POLarity NORMal | REVerse, (@chanlist) Sets the output relay polarity (Option 760)
[:DC]:RANGe [:UPPer] <NRf+>, (@chanlist) Selects the current measurement range (Agilent N6761A/62A)
CCOMpensate <Bool>, (@chanlist) Enables/disables the capacitive current compensation
:FUNCtion “VOLTage” | ”CURRent”, (@chanlist) Selects the measurement function
:SWEep (Sweep commands only on Agilent N6761A/62A and Option 054)
:OFFSet:POINts <NRf+>, (@chanlist) Defines the trigger offset in the measurement sweep
:POINts <NRf+>, (@chanlist) Defines the number of data points in the measurement
:TINTerval <NRf+>, (@chanlist) Sets the measurement sample interval
:VOLTage[:DC]:RANGe [:UPPer] <NRf+>, (@chanlist) Selects the voltage measurement range (Agilent N6761A/62A)
:WINDow[:TYPE] HANNing | RECTangular, (@chanlist) Selects the measurement window (N6761A/62A and Option 054)
[:IMMediate][:AMPLitude] <NRf+>, (@chanlist) Sets the output current
:TRIGgered [:AMPLitude] <NRf+>, (@chanlist) Sets the triggered output current
:MODE FIXed | STEP | LIST, (@chanlist) Sets the current trigger mode
:DELay[:TIME] <NRf+>, (@chanlist) Sets the over-current protection programming delay
:STARt SCHange | CCTRans, (@chanlist) Sets the over-current protection programming mode
:STATe <Bool>, (@chanlist) Enables/disables over-current protection on the selected output
:RANGe <NRf+>, (@chanlist) Sets the output current range (Agilent N6761A/62A)
:INPut:DATA? Reads the state of the digital port pins
:OUTPut:DATA <NRf> Sets the digital port
DIO|DINP|TOUT|TINP|FAUL|INH|ONC|OFFC Sets the selected pin’s function
:POLarity POSitive | NEGative Sets the selected pin’s polarity
LIST (List commands only on Agilent N6761A/62A and Option 054)
:COUNt <NRf+> | INFinity, (@chanlist) Sets the list repeat count
:CURRent [:LEVel] <NRf> {,<NRf>}, (@chanlist) Sets the current list
:POINts? (@chanlist) Returns the number of current list points
:DWELl <NRf> {,<NRf>}, (@chanlist) Sets the list of dwell times
:POINts? (@chanlist) Returns the number of dwell list points