AirLink Raven II CDPD Modem
Page 2 AirLink Communications, Inc.
The Raven's rugged form factor is ideal for industrial and commercial
applications that require real-time communications. The Raven provides
wireless data communications for a variety of applications, such as oil and
gas monitoring, public safety, automated signs, financial transactions, and
security systems. It works with Remote Telemetry Units (RTUs) from several
manufacturers (configuration instructions are detailed in the
Raven/PinPoint User’s Manual).
Front of Raven II Back of Raven II
1.2 Modem LEDs: What They Mean
When the modem is operating, the LEDs on the front panel provide the
following information. (see Finding CDPD Service
for more info):
LED Description
Chan The unit has acquired a valid CDPD channel (solid), or is
scanning for CDPD channels (flashing).
Link A link has been established and a TEI (Temporary
Equipment Identifier) has been assigned.
Reg The unit is registered on the CDPD network (solid), or has
switched to a non-preferred side (flashing).
RSSI Flash patterns identify different RSSI levels in dBm:
-69 and up
-70 to -79
-80 to -89
-90 to -99
-100 to -113
Solid ON [best reception]
300 ms (fast blink)
600 ms (medium blink)
1200 ms (slow blink)
Off [worst reception]
TxRx The unit is transmitting/receiving blocks of data.
Err Block errors on the forward or reverse channels.
Pwr The unit is powered on.