
Cingular GPRS Raven User Guide Version 2.01 59
AT Commands
FIGURE 4. HyperTerminal: TCP/IP Settings
3. When HyperTerminal connects to the Raven, you may be prompted for a pass-
word. The default password is 12345. When you press Enter, you should get
back a reply of “OK”.
FIGURE 5. HyperTerminal: AT mode via Telnet
4. Type AT and press Enter. You should get a reply of “OK” or “0”.
5. To see what you are typing as you type it, you will need to turn on the echo and
verbose mode. Type ATE1V1 and press Enter.
6. If you get a reply of “OK”, then you entered the command successfully. If you
get a reply of “0” or “ERROR”, try entering the command again.
Direct Serial Connection
Using HyperTerminal included with most installations of Microsoft Windows:
Start>All Programs>Accessories>Communications>HyperTerminal