Host RJ-11 IP Gateway User Guide, version 43
AT Commands
Modem Signal Behavior
The RJ-11 IP Gateway is not a modem (DCE), but is a terminal (DTE) device. It is designed to be
connected to another DTE device via RJ-11 cable.The RI (Ring Indicator) signal does not have a
corresponding outgoing signal so it is not supported.
Specifically, the DTR, DSR and DCD signals should be crossed with the device as follows:
To emulate a modem properly, the Host RJ-11 IP Gateway does the following:
The device server monitors its DCD signal in order to detect changes in the device's DTR signal.
The following behaviors occur on loss of DCD only.
Phone Numbers
The “phone number” used in an outgoing connection for an “ATD” command may be a real phone
number that is translated to an IP/port pair (see Phone Number Translation) or it consists of an IP
address and optional port number. All leading non-numeric characters (such as the T or P dial mod
ifiers) are ignored. A number of formats are accepted for the “IP” phone number.
Device RJ-11 IP Gateway
Mode Modem DCD Settings Behavior
Command/Data Always on (&C0) DTR is asserted
Command/Data Follow connection (&C1) DTR is asserted only when TCP/IP connection is
present and has been accepted via ATA or auto-
answer. DTR is de-asserted when connection is
Mode Modem DTR Settings Response to loss of DCD
Offline AT & D0 Ignore
Offline AT & D1 Ignore
Offline AT & D2 Ignore
Online AT & D0 Ignore
Online AT & D1 Drop to command mode, preserving connection
Online AT & D2 Drop to command mode, terminating any connec-
Format Example Notes
Dotted decimal a.b.c.d or Numbers are from 0 to 255
Comma decimal a,b,c,d or 192,168,1,1 For programs that don't allow dots in phone num-