
The descriptions of every setting in this menu will be given below:
Item Description
Video Format Specifies video encoding format. You can choose MPEG4 or
MJPEG (Motion-JPEG).
MPEG4 mode also supports motion detection (see chapter
Snapshot Take a snapshot picture and save the picture to your
computer’s hard drive. Click on directory display and you’ll be
prompted to select a folder to save snapshot file.
Record Start video recording and save recorded video clip to your
computer’s hard drive. Click on directory display and you’ll be
prompted to select a folder to save snapshot file.
Full Screen Click this button and the image captured by camera will be
displayed in full-screen mode. To resume, double-click the
Digital Zoom Click this button to enable digital zoom (video magnification)
Check ‘Enable’ box to enable digital zoom, and you can set the
percentage of zoom from 100% (no magnification) to 400%.
You can also drag the green square by mouse and put it on the
area you wish captured image to be magnified.
To exit digital zoom setting, press button.
Fit to Window Click this button and captured image will fit to window size.