B - 11
1. Turn off water pump switch.
2. Check battery water level.
3. Close windows and vents.
4, Lock all interior cabinet doors.
5. Latch refrigerator door. (Seal containers first.)
6. Hold down or stack securely all loose, hard and sharp objects.
7. Fasten sliding and foldette doors.
8. Drain toilet bowl.
9. Turn off interior lights.
10. Set table in upright position.
11. Pull up or retract step.
12. Lower blinds.
13 Secure and lock main door and dead bolt.
1. Disconnect and stow the electrical hookup cord, the sewer hookup
hose (flush out), and the water hookup hose.
2. Turn off gas at LP tanks.
3. Retract stabilizing jacks.
4. Check Hitch: It must be properly attached.
5. Check safety chains and breakaway switch cable.
6. Fully retract jack. Remove and stow jack stand, foot, or wood block.
7. Check clearance, turn signals, and stop lights.
8. Check lug nuts.
9. Check tires for correct pressure.
10. Check that TV antenna is properly stowed.
11. Lock main door dead bolt.
12. Adjust tow vehicle mirrors.
13. Pull forward some 50 ft., test brakes, and check site for forgotten objects
and cleanliness.
1. On first trip, tighten wheel lugs at start and at 10, 25, and 50 miles.
2. Thereafter, check wheel lugs before each trip.
3. Following winter storage, check before beginning a trip.
4. Following excessive braking, inspect wheel lugs
See Chart in Specification Section in this manual for wheel torque ratings.
1. Leave house key with your neighbors
2, Valuables and important papers should be stored in a safe place.
3, Newspaper, milk and other deliveries should be discontinued.
4, Ask the Post Office to hold your mail for you.
5. Arrange with the telephone company for discontinued or
“vacation service”.
6. Arrange care for your pets.
7. Your lawn, garden and houseplants should be cared for.
8. Lock all windows and doors securely. Keep shades open for a lived in look.
9. Cover all food to keep out mice and insects.
10. Eliminate all fire hazards. Place matches in a tin box or glass jar.
11. Store oil, gasoline, and other flammables properly.
12. Destroy all newspapers, magazines and oily rags.
13. Notify police of your departure and return dates.