• To place the great wide world at your doorstep for you who yearn to
travel with all the comforts of home.
• To provide a more satisfying, meaningful way of travel that offers
complete travel independence, wherever and whenever you choose to
go or stay.
• To keep alive and make real an enduring promise of high adventure
and faraway lands... of rediscovering old places and new interests.
• To open a whole world of new experiences... a new dimension in
enjoyment where travel adventure and good fellowship are your
constant companions.
• To encourage clubs and rallies that provide an endless source of
friendship, travel fun and personal expression.
• To lead caravans wherever the four winds blow... over twinkling
boulevards, across trackless deserts... to the traveled and untraveled
corners of the earth.
• To play some part in promoting international goodwill and
understanding among the peoples of the world through person-to-
person contact.
• To refine and perfect our product by continuous travel-testing over
the highways and byways of the world.
• To strive endlessly to stir the venturesome spirit that moves you to
follow a rainbow to its end... and thus make your travel dreams come